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"3 Tips for a More Romantic
Relationship - Starting Today"
Hi Friend,
I hope you're doing well and are having a deliciously
beautiful day and evening with your sweetheart and
In this e-zine we'll explore ways
to make your present
relationship with your partner even more special. I
3 tips I'd like to share with you, plus a bonus one.
Download Your
Treasury of Quotes
My e-book,"Your Treasury of Quotes", is available on
Amazon for only .99 - a $3.00 savings. Click on
the link
below to download it.
I would love it if
you would take 30 seconds and give a
short review on Amazon if you receive inspiration from
It would mean a lot to me. Thank you!
I promise you'll be
changed and inspired by the
awesome quotations of many of the greatest thinkers
of all time. Each day of the year has its own
quote on it.
Be sure to read the
'Look Inside' feature for the entire
month of January Quotations.
I think you'll like them.
If you would like to take your romance to a whole new
level and make it sparkle and sizzle this year, check out this
intriguing video on "His Secret Obsession".
Romance Quotations:
Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday
into a golden
Elinor Glyn
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words how
life is while you're in the world.
Elton John - "Your Song"
Sometimes all you need is a hug from
the right person
and all
your stress will melt away.
A true love story never ends.
Love Affirmations:
My heart is opening as I radiate love to everyone.
I have a tremendous amount of love to give and
I give it freely - joyfully.
All my
relationships are peaceful, loving and long
Everywhere I go, I find love. My life is beautiful!
An endless supply of love, good will, and fun flows
to me and from me at all times.
The Sculptor Method is a best-selling, extraordinary
affirmation and
goal-setting motivational program.
A F*ree Course is offered.
Click on the link below to find out more:
Romance Questions:
I ask a question today and give my loved one 100%
of my undivided attention while I listen to
the answer?
I think of some small, sweet, romantic ways to tell
show my partner I love them - maybe a warm hug,
a long kiss, a candlelight
dinner, or a slow dance to
our favorite song?
Inspirational Essay:
3 Tips for a More
Loving Relationship
by Barbara Jean Olson
1. Encourage, Support and Compliment
Notice, Praise and Love all the little acts of kindness
he or she does for you and for others. This
will make
mate feel validated, needed, and wanted, brightening
your day as well. Genuinely look for things to
Admiring each other is key to a
wonderful relationship.
Part of appreciation is, if you
receive a gift, to accept it
and be grateful for it. Never act disappointed or tell
you don't like it. They probably put a lot of thought
into it
and were hoping you would like it and love them even
because of the gift they gave you.
If one or both of you find gift
giving stressful, have
an agreement to help each other pick out your own
can still be wrapped and come from the other
Or decide not to give gifts and do
other loving things
with each other - like making cards with special romantic
requests and drawing them and fulfilling the request once
a week or so - or giving each other relaxing massages and
fabulous dinners out on the town.
2. Forgive Quickly - Let it Go!
someone close to us hurts our feelings. We
might feel rejected or put down. This not only makes us
unhappy, but strains our relationship.
When you feel resentment or hurt
arising within you, the
best thing to do is write out your feelings, think through
facts, give yourself some time to calm down, visualize
positive outcome and then talk it over rationally.
Use "I" not
"You" language. For example, I felt hurt when
_______", not "You made me feel hurt
when______". That
way you take responsibility for your own feelings. Get
resolved so you can have that close, trusting
once again.
One woman who was celebrating
their 50th Anniversary
was asked the secret to her happy marriage. She
when she got married she planned to write down a list of
all the things that might come up that she would forgive
husband for.
She never did get around to writing
that list. But over the
years, whenever she got upset with him, she would say
herself, "Lucky for him - that was on my list!"
A little humor goes a long way
to erasing those hurtful
occurrences that happen in our lives.
3. Reserve 10 Minutes
Just for Each Other
we get so busy taking care of work and all
the daily tasks that crop up we don't take the time to
connect with our partner for days. An easy solution is
carve out at least 10 minutes every day to be
with each other - giving 100% of our attention.
That means no phones, no internet, no
TV, no loud music.
For those few minutes, commit to giving the other person
your undivided attention. Take a moment to look into
other's eyes and hold hands or lovingly touch their arm.
Ask questions. Be curious
- like when you first met.
Don't assume you know everything about your partner.
You're both changing all the time. Ask them about
childhood, who they admire and why, what they learned
that day, what surprised them
Be creative with your questions - you might even enjoy
pretending you've just met. It will bring a nice
to your relationship. Try it tonight!
Practice mindfulness. Listen to the tone of their voice
and the emotions behind it. Notice their posture and
movements, the color of their eyes. Be fascinated by
things for just a few minutes. Listen to others as
you would have them listen to you is a good motto.
This is your time to relax and
have a quiet, peaceful
interlude in your day. It can be something to look for-
ward to every day - like a refreshing oasis in the
Tip - Don't Make the Other
Person Wrong
Remember the quote - "The art of conversation
consists of building on another's observations, not
over-turning them."
If you don't agree with
someone, you don't need to
voice your opposing opinion unless, of course, it's
important. Think of how you feel when someone makes
you wrong and just let your opinion go sometimes.
Ask questions as to why
he or she thinks that way.
You might be surprised at their answers. It's not
necessary to be right and it does avoid a lot of arguments.
Think also of what's paramount
when you are tempted
to voice your contrary opinion - a peaceful, loving relation-
ship or a strained one? I think you'll agree - a
relationship is much
more fun and fulfilling, isn't it?
easy, too.
Try these tips and let
the magic happen! You'll find
your special relationships growing even more wonderful.
And won't that be great?
Great Products You May be Interested In:
Treasury of Quotes Ebook
Download Today!
Secret Obsession
Watch the Video
Software -
Sculptor 3
Free Affirmation Course
Barbara Jean Olson
If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at
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Copyright © 2020 by Barbara Jean Olson
Above all Life should be
Take time for some Fun in Your Life Today!