"Real Love Keeps you
Feeling Young"
Love Quotes:
To love is to know the
ecstasy of human existence.
When two people really choose in their hearts to
go through life together, love will endure.
Love gives you a renewed sense of hope that today
will be better than yesterday.
The trick is to keep vitality in old relationships and
find depth in a young one.
Love Affirmations:
The love of God fills my heart and attracts to me
every needed good.
I create an atmosphere
of love in my home through
loving thoughts, words, and actions.
I send loving thoughts to everyone I know.
My love makes me feel peaceful and confident.
As I express my love, I draw happy, loving, harmonious,
experiences to myself. I am thankful.
Love Question:
What are 3 special ways I can express
more love to
someone close to me today?
Congratulations to Tammy Carlson of Bismarck,
North Dakota! You're the winner of the January 2004
Monthly Book Contest - "21 Success Secrets of Millionaires"
by Brian Tracy. Good luck to all of you in this month's