"Happiness Starts in
Loving Hearts"
Love Quotes:
All things grow with love.
Love is sharing a a part of yourself
with others.
Make a little masterpiece of love each day.
When there is love in the heart, it just
naturally spreads to others.
Love Affirmations:
I am filled to
overflowing with love.
Love fills my
heart, dissolving all
negative emotions that cause
pain and disease.
Divine love is doing its perfect work
in me and through me now.
I am in God's loving care and all is well.
Love Questions:
In what specific ways can I
show more
love to myself today?
How can I express my warmth and love
to a special friend today?
Following is an excerpt from
an extraordinary
book that teaches how to create and enjoy a
deep, intimate and caring love life.
"The Love You Deserve"
Keys to Perfect Love
- Scott Peck
"Celebrate Your Love"
Perpetual intimacy is the
natural outcome of the
love you deserve.
"By the time you read this
book, Shannon and I
will have celebrated our 58th anniversary - counting
by months - naturally!
Why wait a year to celebrate the most important
person that has ever walked into my life? It's another
opportunity to taste the sweet appreciation that fuels
perpetual intimacy.
It doesn't matter whether Shannon and I
each other cards. What matters is that we give each
other multiple opportunities to express our love for
each other.
For one of Shannon's birthdays, I wrote out in a
notebook 48 reasons why I loved her. I didn't think
of this as that great a gift, but it surprised me how
much she has treasured it.
When was the last time you told your love-mate
why you loved her or him? Or what you most appreciate
about your mate?
Use the following exercise to open up your
to your love-mate, or to a good friend."
The Top 10 Reasons I Love You
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________
- Scott Peck _________________________________________________
Try substituting "you"
for "I" in the affirmations
to bless others, to picture all-good for them, and
to see them in a new light.
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so you can see and print out the e-zines in color
and in a more beautiful format.
May the Lord grant you all the desires of your heart!
Have a
love-filled day!
Barbara Jean Olson
Copyright © 2005 by Barbara Jean Olson
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