"Wealth Comes From
           Serving Others."
Prosperity Quotes: 
Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it.
                                            - Ben Franklin

Wealth, after all, is a relative thing, since he that
     has little and wants less, is richer than he that
     has much and wants more.

                                                               - Colton
Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives
                                                        - Eric Fromm 

To be wealthy you must develop a burning desire
      for wealth and financial independence.
                                                        - Brian Tracy

Prosperity Affirmations:

I am a rich, prosperous, happy person.

God is my instant, constant, abundant
    source of supply.

I live in an abundant world, blessed by God
   in every way.

I am a generous giver and I receive generous
    blessings in return.

Financial independence is mine now.

Prosperity Questions:

What can I do today to move myself one step
     closer to financial independence?  

Am I saving 10% of everything I earn?


"The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" 
                         - Catherine Ponder

     "Expect Changes for the Better" 
    Dare to be a spiritual architect and to build pictures
of larger good; dare to enjoy these pictures of increased
good mentally as you go about your daily tasks.  

     Feel and visualize success right in the midst of
dissatisfaction. Dare to affirm rich, unlimited success
for yourself, no matter what is happening to you or 
around you at the moment. 

     Declare:  "This or something better, Father; Thy 
supreme good will be done." 

     Take a non-resistant attitude toward existing 
conditions, and know that they already are changing
for the better!

    In periods when you know changes are working 
but are not yet apparent, don't be misled by fear
thoughts which try to convince you that your higher
ideas are too good to be true, too wonderful to happen, 
or too good to last.  

     When fear or doubt arise, put your best foot forward
and do something definite to effect the successful feeling
and the successful look, so as to convince not only
yourself but others that you are succeeding!  

     One who conquers doubt and fear conquers failure. "
                                     - Catherine Ponder 

        To find out more about this book, go to:


     Try substituting "you" for "I" in the affirmations
to bless others, to picture all-good for them,  and 
to see them in a new light.

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"html" format, you might want to go to the web
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so you can see and print out the e-zines in color
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     Have a prosperous day!  May the Lord grant you
all the desires of your heart!

Barbara Jean Olson

Copyright © 2005 by Barbara Jean Olson


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