"What a new Face
Courage puts on Everything."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Courage Quotes:
Courage consists, not
in blindly overlooking
danger, but in seeing and conquering it.
- Richter
Fear is created not by
the world around us,
but in the mind, by what we think is going to
-Elizabeth Gawain
A coward flees backward, away from new
things. A man of courage moves vigorously
forward toward new things.
- Jacques Maritain
It is an error to
suppose that courage means
courage in everything - most people are brave
only in the dangers to which they accustom
themselves, either in imagination or practice.
- Bulwer
Courage Affirmations:
I face the future, wise, free and unafraid.
I keep myself inwardly poised and calm,
assured God's presence is with me.
I step forward with confidence and faith.
God's almighty power is
working in this
situation now - giving me the perfect answer.
How can I courageously take one step forward
on a project I've been putting off because of
What did I do today that was courageous and
what can I learn from this?
Congratulations to Marla Harrison of Lefroy,
Ontario, Canada! You're the winner of the June
2003 Monthly Book Contest - "The Power of
Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale. The
book is on its way to you. Good luck to all of you in
this month's contest.
To learn more about
this inspirational book, click below.
"The Power of Positive Thinking"
Learn how to write a book in 28 days.
Write a Book in 28 Days
Following is an excerpt from
a very helpful book
on gaining self esteem and a sense of worth.
Courage to Be Yourself"
- By
Sue Patton Thoele
"The good news about learned fear is that it can
matter what our past, we can experience
the deep truth that life and relationships need not be
fear-filled. We do not consist of our fear; we merely
experience it.
Thus we can learn step by step to see fear not as
something that we are but something that we have.
For example, you may have at times told yourself, I'm
such a coward! Not true! Never accept a definition
of yourself that identifies you as your fear.
Here's an exercise in
disidentification: The next time
you're aware of feeling afraid, acknowledge what you
fear, accept that it's a fact of your being at the moment,
and then repeat several times to yourself: I have a fear
of (heights, failure, oysters, etc.) but I am not this fear!
Think of some sentences that appeal to you as an
accurate definition of who you are. For example:
"I have a fear of rejection. But I am not that fear.
am a beautiful, unique soul created in God's image.
I am O.K. exactly as I am."
- Susan Patton Thoel
"The Courage to Be Yourself"
Have a Great Day!
Barbara Jean Olson
Copyright © 2003 by Barbara Jean Olson
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