"There is Majesty
           in Simplicity."
                           - Alexander Pope                                                                                     
Simplicity Quotes:
Simplicity is making the journey of this life
    with just baggage enough.
                                    - Charles D. Warner
Learn to live simply. 
If your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary
      things, this is the best season of your life.  
                                              - Wu Men

A certain simplicity of living is usually 
    necessary to happiness.
                                       - Henry O. Chapin 
Simplicity Affirmations:
I lead a wonderfully simple, peaceful, joyful life.
I am at peace with myself.
I let serenity flow into my life.
I am calm, tranquil and well organized.
My life is filled with peace, simplicity and happiness.

Ned Grossman has written a wonderful book full of
   wisdom and insight, and great advice for successful

    "How to Succeed in Life"
      Ideas & Principles They Don't
                Teach in School
                             -Ned Grossman
      "Keep it Simple and Sweet" 
        "Simplify, Simplify, Simplify"
                         - Henry David Thoreau     
We all have a tendency to over-complicate
our lives and create selected self-induced stress 
by placing excessive demands on our time, money,
energy, spouse, children, etc.

       We suffer from the "more" syndrome.  We 
want more money; more, bigger, faster cars; more
elaborate homes; more lavish clothes; more, more,
more.  Why?  Seemingly, because we insist on
complicating what could otherwise be simpler,
happier existences.

       Set and keep simple to understand, easy to 
accomplish goals.  Simplicity means keeping first
things first and not losing sight of our focus, of what 
is important.  

       When things get out of control, when life seems
complicated and overwhelming, consider the K.I.S.S. 
principle.  Keep it Short and Simple.

        Remember Confucius' philosophy: "Life is really
simple, but men insist on making it complicated.
                                            - Ned Grossman

To learn more about this inspiring book, click here.


Have a good day!

Barbara Jean Olson

Copyright © 2004 by Barbara Jean Olson


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