of the Week:
"In whatever you do today,
remember God
is beside you.
And no matter what
comes your way,
remember His hand will guide you."
Put Your Trust in
God to Guide You!
Do you want to feel that God is with you, guiding
you into perfect
right action throughout your day? I
know I
The best way to do that, I believe, is to follow
your heart -
listen to your inner wisdom. When you
have a problem, relax and ask
for His help. Then
follow your heart - listen to your inner
wisdom. Do
this joyfully
and with full confidence!
Visualize yourself throughout the day frequently
listening to your inner
guidance - knowing that in this
way God is speaking to
you - and in the process
revealing his perfect plan for
you - the plan that will
be completely
fulfilling to you.
He Will Give You
the Answers You Need!
writing a book is one of your dreams, go to
Nick Daws site. He will teach you how to
write your
book in 28 days in less than an hour a day.
"If there
is a book you really want to read but
it hasn't
been written yet, then you must write it."
- Tony Morris
Wishing you
a Inspirational Week,
Barbara Jean
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